Toxic Triclosan: Banned from Handsoap but Nothing Else

Toxic Triclosan: Banned from Handsoap but Nothing Else

“We really have abundant evidence that toxic chemicals cause diseases in children. We know that air pollution causes asthma and other respiratory diseases. We know that these chemicals cause loss in IQ shortened attention spans, and behavioral problems, all of which...
Breathing Toxic Air

Breathing Toxic Air

Swapping out coal energy for solar would prevent 52,000 premature deaths in the United States every year, according to a new analysis from Michigan Technological University. I recently shared an article from the Daily Climate on social media about this staggering...
When Companies Bring Chemicals to Market

When Companies Bring Chemicals to Market

Our species cannot adapt fast enough to survive the onslaught of chemicals pouring into our environment. Chemical poisoning is a risk we all face. We must face it now before it’s too late. While I believe laws governing how and when companies bring chemicals to market...